Various Artists

Ed Banger Vol.3

  • Electronic
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Product information

Units in Album
2 (LP)
Release date
Production in

A1. Mr. Oizo Intra
A2. Uffie Dismissed
A3. Justice (3) Phantom

B1. DJ Mehdi Stick It
B2. Mr. Flash Disco Dynamite
B3. Krazy Baldhead Strings Of Death
B4. Feadz Edwrecker

C1. Busy P 49ers
C2. DJ Mehdi Lucky Girl
C3. Busy P Rainbow Man
C4. Mr. Flash Eagle Eyez

D1. SebastiAn (6) Greel 
D2. Klaxons Golden Skans To Interzone (So Me Remix)
D3. Vicarious Bliss Limousine (Dub Version) 


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