The Smashing Pumpkins
ATUM (A Rock Opera In Three Acts)
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Product information
Units in Album
4 LP
Alternative Rock
Release date
Martha's Music
Production in
Act I
A1. Atum
A2. Butterfly Suite
A3. The Good In Goodbye
A4. Embracer
A5. With Ado I Do
A6. Hooligan
B1. Steps In Time
B2. Where Rain Must Fall
B3. Beyond The Vale
B4. Hooray!
B5. The Gold Mask
Act II
C1. Avalanche
C2. Empires
C3. Neophyte
C4. Moss
C5. Night Waves
C6. Space Age
D1. Every Morning
D2. To The Grays
D3. Beguiled
D4. The Culling
D5. Springtimes
E1. Sojourner
E2. That Which Animates The Spirit
E3. The Canary Trainer
F1. Pacer
F2. In Lieu Of Failure
F3. Cenotaph
F4. Harmageddon
G1. Fireflies
G2. Intergalactic
G3. Spellbinding
G4. Of Wings
Audio Story
H1. Act 1 Of Atum