Mike Shinoda

Post Traumatic

  • Rock
1 975 uah
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Delivery times are individual for each item. Minimum delivery time: vinyl from 4 weeks / equipment and other goods - to be specified with the manager.

Product information

Units in Album
2 LP
Release date
Warner Records Label
Deluxe Edition, Remastered
Production in

A1. Place To Start
A2. Over Again
A3. Watching As I Fall
A4. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore
A5. About You
A6. Brooding
A7. Promises I Can T Keep
A8. Crossing a Line

B1. Hold It Together
B2. Ghosts
B3. Make It Up As I Go
B4. Lift Off
B5. I.O.U.
B6. Running From My Shadow
B7. World S On Fire
B8. Can T Hear You Now
B9. Prove You Wrong
B10. What the Words Meant


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