
Delos (MC)

94 600 uah
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Although vinyl records played with an MC cartridge can sound extremely good, it is surprising that the design of conventional cartridges limits the sound quality that can be achieved from LPs.

An important factor in the proper functioning of the cartridge is the angle between the magnetic core, the signal coils, and the core. The optimum situation is when all angles are aligned, but any significant difference in angles will result in a strong and directional flux that will constantly flow from the magnetic core to the signal core. This directional magnetic flux orientates the core in a specific direction and prevents it from moving with equal ease in all directions, which is essential for proper cartridge operation.

Product information

Cartridge type included
Channel separation, dB
Dynamic Compliance, dyn
12 х 10-6
Cartridge weight, g
Frequency response, Hz
Output voltage
0.6 мВ
Downforce Range, г (мН):
Vertical Angle
Conductor material
безкиснева мідь 6N high-purity copper

Unfortunately, conventional MC cartridges are designed in such a way that the angles between the magnetic core, signal coils and platter are only aligned when no clamping force is applied. As a result, during playback, the required tracking force causes the angle between the magnetic core, signal coils, and platter to shift. This limits the cartridge's resolution, tracking ability and dynamic range.

The new Lyra Delos cartridge is designed to solve this problem. Compared to conventional cartridges, the Delos features a new body structure with an extremely low tilt angle, combined with a unique asymmetrical damping system. When there is no tracking force, the shape of the asymmetric dampers causes the signal coils and core to be positioned at a more vertical angle than the magnetic circuit.

However, the absence of a clamping force means that the cartridge is not running and therefore any angular misalignment between the magnetic circuit, signal coils, and core will not affect performance. However, when the tracking force is applied, the force of the stylus pressing against the platter causes the asymmetrical dampers to deform to a symmetrical shape, and when this happens, the angular misalignment between the magnetic core, signal coils, and core disappears. Since applying downward force means that the cartridge is working, it should be clear that the Delos design is capable of keeping the angles between the magnetic core, signal coils and platter aligned during playback.

The Delos also features a micro-finned stylus on the burs for superior tracking, a non-parallel solid machined metal body for low resonance, and 6-N high purity copper coils and bare metal construction for greater sound clarity. The result is a clear improvement in sound quality, including resolution, tracking ability, dynamic range, transient response, and immediacy.

Don't hesitate to give Lyra Delos a listen and hear how good New Angle can make your records sound.


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