Лєра Мандзюк

Інтимний Стендап

  • Comedy
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Stand-Up on Vinyl: Lera Mandziuk’s "Intimate Stand-Up"

Now, you can enjoy Lera Mandziuk's performances anytime you want to hear quality humor and experience the vibe of a live show.

Just turn on your record player, place the needle on the vinyl, and you’ll feel like you’re in the theater.

"I want people, when they listen to my stand-up on vinyl, to feel what I feel at home when I listen to my records. It’s a very pleasant and romantic feeling, completely different from what you get from YouTube," Lera explains about her idea of creating the vinyl record.

The record features her new program "Intimate Stand-Up," which, as the name suggests, is an honest talk about personal and intimate topics, spiced with sharp humor from the queen of improvisation.

The record is currently in production, and you have a unique chance to pre-order it at a special price, making the wait shorter. You’ll be able to get your copy this fall!

"Stand-up on vinyl is a moment of truth where I not only tell others, 'Go ahead, show off!' but do it myself. Because nothing else describes it better," says Lera Mandziuk.

Product information

Units in Album
1 LP
Release date
Autumn 2024
Weight of record, g
Playback speed, RPM
Production in
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