Johann Strauss

Famous Waltsez From Vienna

  • Classical / Modern Classical / Opera
834 uah
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Minimum delivery time: vinyl from 4 weeks / equipment and other goods — individually.
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Delivery times are individual for each item. Minimum delivery time: vinyl from 4 weeks / equipment and other goods - to be specified with the manager.

1. An der schönen blauen Donau (The Blue Danube) Op. 314
2. Wiener Blut, Op. 354
3. Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410 - "Voices of Spring"
4. Rosen aus dem Süden, Op. 388
5. Kaiser-Walzer, Op. 437
6. Wein, Weib und Gesang, Op. 333

Product information

Units in Album
1 (LP)
Release date
Production in
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