Japanese Breakfast
Sable (Original Video Game Sound)
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1. Main Menu
2. Glider [from "Sable" Original Video Game Soundtrack]
3. Better The Mask
4. The Ewer (Day)
5. The Ewer (Night)
6. Eccria (Day)
7. Eccria (Night)
8. Campfires
9. Exploration (Ships)
10. Exploration (Ruins)
11. Exploration (Nature)
12. Beetle's Nest
13. Glow Worm Cave
14. Pyraustas Ruin
15. Badlands (Night)
16. Hakoa (Day)
17. Hakoa (Night)
18. Sansee (Day)
19. Sansee (Night)
20. Redsee (Day)
21. The Wash (Day)
22. Chum Lair
23. Beetle Detour
24. Machinist's Theme
25. Cartographer's Theme
26. Mask Caster's Theme
27. Mischievous Children
28. Ibexxi Camp (Day)
29. Ibexxi Camp (Night)
30. Burnt Oak Station (Day)
31. Burnt Oak Station (Night)
32. Abandoned Grounds
Product information
Units in Album
2 LP
Original Soundtrack
Release date
Additional about release
Artist: Japanese Breakfast