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The classic DL-103 cartridge was developed by Denon in 1962 for use in professional equipment with tonearms and turntables of the time. Since then, the production of this cartridge has not stopped. Despite being designed in the 1960s, this cartridge is still one of the masterpieces in the audio technology world and can easily compete with modern cartridges. Due to its design, the Denon DL-103 is recommended as one of the few cartridges suitable for heavy tonearms. Being a low output cartridge, the DL-103 requires an MC phono preamplifier or step-up transformer for a standard MM preamplifier.

The DL-103R is an updated version of the classic DL-103. It delivers enhanced sound using 6N oxygen-free copper coils wound on a cantilever shaft with unique precision. Audio enthusiasts will revel in the details this outstanding cartridge is capable of revealing. Sonic enhancements over the DL-103 include increased detail, deeper bass and improved clarity in all directions.

The sound of the standard Denon DL-103 is, without exaggeration, outstanding, especially considering the price range in which it is positioned. Perhaps many people might have heard of it as a "super cartridge" or "giant killer". And it does deserve these nicknames. Its superior characteristics allow music to be played as a single composition, rather than being a group of separated parts. This is not as common among cartridges today as I would like to see. Many devices provide excellent separation of instruments, holographic reproduction and detail, but it doesn't all blend together as a musical whole. Denon cartridges excel in this area - the important parts come together to form a complete musical performance, but retain the detail and separation of instruments and voices. This is one of the main reasons why the DL-103 is such a unique and well-deserved cartridge.

The DL-103R retains all of these family characteristics and makes quantum leaps in improvement in all areas, at a modest increase in cost. The lighter-weight six-nine copper winding really allows the high frequencies to reveal more detail, filling them with air and finesse. Bells, cymbals and harmonic overtones sound better, with crystal-like clarity.

Product information

Cartridge type included
Channel separation, dB
Channel balance, dB
Cartridge weight, g
Frequency response, Hz
20 - 45000
Output voltage
0.25 мВ
Downforce Range, г (мН):
2.3 - 2.7
Conductor material
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