Ceramic Hobs

Black Pool Legacy

  • Punk / Punk Rock / Ska
1 399 uah
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Delivery times are individual for each item. Minimum delivery time: vinyl from 4 weeks / equipment and other goods - to be specified with the manager.

Product information

Units in Album
2 (LP)
Release date
Production in

A1. 33 Trapped Chilean Miners
A2. Shaolin Master
A3. Irish Jew
A4. Does He Take Sugar
A5. 50 Shades Of Snuff
A6. Pro-Ana Tips'N'Tricks

B1. This Sore & Broken Blackpool Legacy
B2. Rainbow Self-Realisation Therapy
B3. Wife Swapping Party
B4. The Prowler
B5. Blackpool Transport
B6. Safe To Heaven

C1. Cupcakes
C2. Amateur Cops
C3. M61
C4. Hey St Jude
C5. Hardhorn Blues
C6. All Psychiatrists Are Bastards
C7. Flower

D1. Oz Oz Alice
D2. Prisoner Cell Block H Theme
D3. You Don't Want To Hear This Voice At Night
D4. St Petersburg Series
D5. Catholic Monochrome Holocaust
D6. Psychiatric Underground


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