Cab Calloway

Cab Calloway

  • Jazz
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A1. St. James Infirmary
A2. The Honeydripper
A3. Blues In The Night (My Mama Done Tol' Me)
A4. Miss Otis Regrets (She's Unable To Lunch Today)
A5. Chop, Chop, Charlie Chan (From China)
A6. (Hep-Hep!) The Jumpin' Jive

B1. Minnie The Moocher (Theme Song)
B2. The Ghost Of Smokey Joe
B3. Let's Take The Long Way Home
B4. Utt Da Zay (The Tailor's Song)
B5. Geechy Joe
B6. Eadie Was A Lady

Product information

Units in Album
1 LP
Release date
Production in
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