
Descendents Everything Sucks

Seller: Artem

City: Киев

All listings of the seller

1 300 uah
*Attention! This product is not marketed by Vinyla. The product is sold by a private seller on our marketplace.
Further, all communication will take place between the seller and the buyer with the participation of our support service.

Product information

Media condition:
Still Sealed (SS)
Sleeve condition:
Still Sealed (SS)
Units in album:
Year of publishing:
Made in
Punk / Punk Rock / Ska
A1 Everything Sux 1:26
A2 I'm The One 2:15
A3 Coffee Mug 0:34
A4 Rotting Out 1:56
A5 Sick-O-Me 1:45
A6 Caught 1:47
A7 When I Get Old 2:27
A8 Doghouse 1:46
A9 She Loves Me 2:33
B1 Hateful Notebook 2:22
B2 We 2:33
B3 Eunuch Boy 0:19
B4 This Place 1:16
B5 I Won't Let Me 3:06
B6 Thank You 2:15
B7 Grand Theme
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