- Windfaerer
- Windhand
- Windhand/Satans Satyrs
- Windmill
- Windmills By The Ocean
- Windopen
- Window Babies
- Windowsill
- Winds Of Plague
- Winds Of Promise
- Windsor For The Derby
- Windsurfer
- Windswept
- Windy Corner
- Windy&Carl
- Winery Dogs
- Winfield Parker
- Winfried Ritsch
- Wing Dam
- Wing Vilma
- Wing Yang Twins
- Wingdale Community Singer
- Winger
- Wings
- Wingtip Sloat
- Winhill/Losehill
- Winifred Atwell
- Wink Burcham
- Winkelmayer Brass
- Winks
- Winnerback Lars
- Winstin Edwards
- Winston -saxton- Rose
- Winston Edwards
- Winston Edwards/Blackbea
- Winston Francis
- Winston Hussey
- Winston Jarrett
- Winston Jarrett/Horacy A
- Winston Mcanuff&Fixi
- Winston Reedy&Salute
- Winston Surfshirt
- Winston Wright
- Winston-Quintet- Turner
- Winstons
- Winstons&Edmsc
- Winter
- Winter Break
- Winter Drones
- Winter Family
- Winter Gloves
- Winter Makes Sailors
- Winter North Atlantic
- Winter Passing
- Winter Severity Index
- Winter&Triptides
- Winterblut
- Winterfylleth
- Wintergatan
- Winterhawk
- Winterhorde
- Winterkalte
- Winterlight
- Winterpills
- Wintershome
- Wintersleep
- Wintersun
- Wintsch/Weber/Wolfarth
- Wipers
- Wir Sind Helden
- Wire
- Wirelove
- Wires Under Tension
- Wirtz
- Wisdom In Chains
- Wisdoom
- Wise Blood
- Wise Dude's Revolver
- Wise Guyz
- Wisecracker
- Wiseguy
- Wisemen
- Wish
- Wishbone Ash
- Wishy
- Wissmut
- Witch
- Witch Cross
- Witch Hats
- Witch Hazel
- Witch Hunt
- Witch Mountain
- Witch Ripper
- Witch Ritual
- Witch Thomas Hand Chaste
- Witch Trail
- Witch Vomit
- Witch-Lord
- Witchbound
- Witchcraft
- Witchcross
- Witchcryer
- Witchcvlt 71
- Witche'S Brew
- Witchers Creed
- Witchery
- Witches
- Witches Brew
- Witches Of God
- Witchfield
- Witchfinder General
- Witchfynde
- Witching Altar/Necro
- Witching Hour
- Witching Hour/Division Sp
- Witching Waves
- Witchmaster
- Witchrider
- Witchskull
- Witchsorrow
- Witchthroat Serpent
- Witchtrap
- Witchwood
- Witcyst
- With Confidence
- With Fourteen
- With Honor
- With Increase
- With Our Arms To The Sun
- With The Dead
- With The End In Mind
- Withdrawal
- Withered
- Withered Hand
- Witherfall
- Withers Bill
- Witherscape
- Within Destruction
- Within Temptation
- Within The Ruins
- Without Waves
- Witt
- Witte Wieven/Reiziger
- Witten Untouchable
- Witthueser&Westrupp
- Witthuser&Westrupp
- Witxes
- Wives
- Wiz Khalifa
- Wiz Khalifa / Big K.R.I.T. / Smoke Dza / Girl Talk