- Evisbeats
- Evisorax
- Evm128
- Evnar
- Evo
- Evo/Algy
- Evocation
- Evoken
- Evol
- Evolfo
- Evolution Control Commite
- Evolutionandvik
- Evripidis&His Tragedies
- Evvol
- Ewa With Swing Sessi Bem
- Ewan Cruickshanks
- Ewert And The Two Dragons
- Ewigkeit
- Ex
- Ex Cops
- Ex Eye
- Ex Friends
- Ex Generation
- Ex Hex
- Ex Nerven
- Ex People
- Ex&Brass Unbound
- Ex-breathers
- Ex-Cocaine
- Ex-cocaine/Yellow Swans
- Ex-Cult
- Ex-Fork
- Ex-Girl
- Ex-ile
- Ex-kopf
- Ex-otago
- Ex:Re
- Exalt
- Examination
- Exanimatvm
- Exarsis
- Exbats
- Excalibur
- Excel
- Excellos
- Excelsiors
- Excepter
- Excitements
- Exciter.=trib=
- Exciters
- Exclaim
- Excruciating Terror
- Excruciation
- Excute
- Exec
- Execration
- Executive Slacks
- Exek
- Exene Cervenka
- Exhalants
- Exhale
- Exhaust
- Exhaustion
- Exhaustion/Wanders
- Exhumation
- Exhumed
- Exhumed/Iron Reagan
- Exile
- Exile One
- Exilent
- Exiles From Clowntown
- Exillon
- Exist
- Existance
- Existenz
- Exit Calm
- Exit Condition
- Exit Group
- Exit Order
- Exit Unit
- Exit Universe
- Exit Verse
- Exit-stance
- Exitmusic
- Exivious
- Exmagician
- Exmagma
- Exmaid
- Exmortus
- Exnovios
- Exocrine
- Exodus
- Exogene
- Exorcist
- Exorcist Gbg
- Exordium
- Exos
- Exoskelett
- Exoteric Continent
- Exotic Adrian Street And
- Exotica
- Expander
- Expanders
- Expendables
- Expensive Looks
- Experience Unlimited
- Experimental Dental Schoo
- Experimental Pop Band
- Experimental Tropic Blues
- Expert Alterations
- Expire
- Explainer
- Exploded Drawing
- Exploded View
- Exploder
- Exploding Eyes
- Exploding Eyes Orchestra
- Exploding Hearts
- Exploding Rubber Band
- Exploit
- Exploited
- Explorers Club
- Explosion
- Explosions In The Sky
- Explosions In The Sky, David Wingo
- Explosions In The Sky/Dav
- Expo '70
- Expo '70/Ancient Ocean
- Expo 70
- Expo'70
- Express Brass Band
- Express Rising
- Expression Direkt
- Expulser
- Expulsion
- Exquisites
- Ext
- Extended Versions
- Exterminator
- Exterminators
- External Menace
- Extince
- Extincion De Los Insectos
- Extinct Exist
- Extinction A.d.
- Extinction Ad
- Extinction Of Mankind
- Extol
- Extortion
- Extortion/Cold World