Tigran Hamasyan

The Bird Of A Thousand Voices

  • Jazz
2 778 грн
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Количество носителей
2 LP
Дата релиза
Believe Recordi

A1. The Kingdom 
A2. The Curse (Blood Of An Innocent Is Spilled) 
A3. The Bird Of A Thousand Voices 
A4. Areg's Calling (Towards The World Above) 
A5. The Quest Begins 

B1. The Path Of No Return 
B2. Areg And Manushak (He Saw Her Reflection In The Water) 
B3. The Saviour Is Condemned 
B4. Guidance (Areg Meets Zaman)
B5. Flaming Horse And The Thunderbolt Sword (From The Depths Of The Sea)
B6. Red, White And Black Worlds
B7. Bells Of Memory

C1. Only The One Who Brought The Bird Can Make It Sing
C2. Prophecy Of A Sacrifice
C3. The Demon Of Akn Anatak
C4. Temptations (Follow The Luminous Feather)
C5. Forty Days In The Realm Of Bottomless Eye (He Brings Light Into The Soil Of Evil)
C6. He Refuses To Be Immortal (The Goddess Of Paradise Gives Him The Enchanting Bird)

D1. The Return (Through Vast Deserts, Seas And Dark Mountains)
D2. Betrayed By Brothers
D3. The Well Of Death And Resurrection
D4. Sing Me A Song When You Will Be At The Place Where All Is Bliss
D5. The Eternal Birds Sings And The Garden Blooms Again
D6. Postlude (After Seven Winters)


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