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Пн-Пт: 11:00-19:30
Cб: 12:00-19:00

Самовивіз можливий з нашого корнеру за адресою:
Київ, Петра Сагайдачного, 25/3 (Поштова площа, Поділ)
Всі питання ви зможете задати нашим менеджерам.

ВАЖЛИВО: товар резервується на 5 рабочих днів!


You can pay for your order by card on the website. In this case, the cost of delivery will be minimal (from 65 UAH). When paying for the order at the post office, you will need to pay for both postal services and money transfer (2% of the shipping cost + 20 UAH)


A taxi with a delivery service is called by the buyer from the store to the delivery address.
Order must be paid online.

Mon-Fri: 11:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00-18:00


International shipping costs for one standard album. (19 €)

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